Access Energetic Facelift

from £107.00

Before you resort to Botox or go under the surgeon’s knife.

Try an Access Energetic Facelift.

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Before you resort to Botox or go under the surgeon’s knife.

Try an Access Energetic Facelift. What is it?

A way of starting to energetically undo the ravishes of ageing. The face appears younger and more vibrant, your face starts to change and so do your points of view.

You start to look different, you act different, and your body benefits. How does this happen?

Certain energies work on the face & body; The stress drops away you stop judging your face and how it should look and become more at peace.

Access Energetic Facelifts take about 90 minutes and cost £101.00. Lie back and enjoy the deep relaxation this process creates.